guzo, Roman Tschäppeler, is an author, creative producer and hands-on consultant who sparks projects. Since 2003 he’s run award-winning projects at the intersection of culture, arts and business under the umbrella of his studio guzo. #designthinking #ideation #transmedia #marketing #workshop #consultant #creativeproducer #author #filmmaker
guzo is

a little more
With his studio guzo Roman Tschäppeler creates outstanding content for various channels. He was a senior workshop facilitator in an idea factory and is the co-founder of an event venue for youth culture. He graduated from the Kaospilot School in Denmark and Zurich University of Arts in Switzerland.
Tschäppeler is the co-author of a bestselling book series: «The Decision Book», «The Question Book», «The Change Book», «The Test Book», «The Communiction Book» und «The Get Things Done Book» that has been translated in over 25 languages. Together with his co-author Mikael Krogerus he has been a keynote speaker at several international business, design and marketing conferences. They also write and draw a weekly one page-editorial in Das Magazin, explaining complex managerial strategies with just a couple of lines and words.
Recently Tschäppeler produced a range of audiovisual projects, amongst other the satirical documentary feature Image Problem, the TV-documentary Ohne Rolf in China (as director) and his awarded future-research project «Remix Demix». He has produced about 100 documercials for the historic cultural and gastronomic venue Casino Bern. He is also responsible for the multimedia and multisensorial experience Am Zunfttisch.
At the moment he is investing considerable time and passion into Agree, an app facilitating better and smooth decision making for teams and groups. He is a founding member of Agree.
The company guzo ltd. was founded in 2003 as an attempt to condense the versatile profile of his portfolio. So far, he failed successfully doing that.
guzo gmbh, Alfred-Aebi-Strasse 71, CH-2503 Biel-Bienne (Switzerland)
Mobile: +41 78 818 10 26,