guzo offers

CEO und Gründer von guzo gmbh, Roman Tschäppeler


Concept and facilitation of workshops with highly effective methods and tough leadership. Well proven for idea development (ideation), concept refinement (evaluation) and business models (strategy) by insurance company AXA, swiss national media SRG SSR, health insurance Helsana, public education Bildungsdirektion Zürich, communcation agency Partner&Partner, Museum of Communication, Bern and exhibiting company Stapferhaus Lenzburg.


Mandates in fields of excellence: marketing, design thinking, (social) entrepreneurship, cultural and art projects, business strategy. Tried and true by watch company Certina, Swatch, Orangina, Swiss national post offices Die Post, Swiss national communication company Swisscom or Nacht der 1000 Fragen.


Management and development for mid- and long term project with a focus on (audiovisual) communication and storytelling, preferably in the intersections of business, culture and marketing. E.g. KUFA, Casino Bern, Helvetas and nabholz.


Surprising and exciting keynotes from 30 to 60 minutes:
Decisionmaking – the practical use of decision making theory (with Mikael Krogerus)
Copy Paste – the public recipe of remixed innovation
Creativity – thinking outside the box vs. inside the box


guzo gmbh, Alfred-Aebi-Strasse 71, CH-2503 Biel-Bienne, Switzerland
+41 78 818 10 26,